Women and Marriage: An Analysis Comparativ Literature on The Novel Indonesia, England, and America
might be a portrait or a representation of a real person. This article discusses representations or images of women in three novels from three different social backgrounds. They are Kalau Tak Untung (Selasih, Indonesia), Far From The Madding
Crowd (Thomas Hardy, England), and The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald, United
States). All of these three novels represent women in both positive and negative images.
The positive images are: independent, hard working, rebellious, and futuristic (in thinking). Meanwhile, the negative images are reckless, naïve, materialistic, seductive,
unfaithful, egoist, and passive. The three novels show some facts. The first is that women
will work hard when they are in an unpleasant situation, particularly when they need
money. In this situation, they will not mind doing a man’s job. The second similarity is
that woman with good education seems to have better behavior than those who lack
education. The third fact is that there are some women who value their happiness by the
wealth they can get.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/jar.v4i2.7554
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