Kh. Muhajirin Amsar Contribution on Legal Hadith Interpretation
The word 'contribution' is originally derived from English word which means to help or a donations, for example "His contribution to art literature was very great, which meansa very large contribution to the literature. Or a meaningful contribution to charity which equal understanding to donations to charity. Furthermore, etymologically speaking the word sharh (interpretation) is derived from the Arabic sharaha which means to explain, to open, to pave. And too, the word sharh is usually used to describe the meaning of the hadith, while the word tafsir is usually used to explain the meaning of the Qur'an. For the impelementation, the word tafsir is exclusively concerning with the interpretationof the qur'anic meaning. While sharh, relies on hadith interpretation, its content, conclusion (istinbath) for bothlegalormoralof the Prophet's words, or explaining other disciplines.
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