The Islamization of Human Resource Management Textbook For Higher Education in Indonesia Through Al-Faruqi’s Theory
are used by several universities in Indonesia with a Western worldview as a dominant tendency than Islamic worldview. This research analyzes the process and synthesis of Western and Islamic-legacy of HRM; and as its output, a non-secular HRM textbook using the Islamic worldview approach. As the result, this output will reduce the dominance of the secular HRM textbook in the Western worldview approach. The findings of this research are: (1) To create the IOHRM concept derived from the IOK al-Faruqi theory, which is applied through a process of analysis and synthesis of Western and Islamic-legacy of HRM; (2) Analysis of the IOHRM, through the process, analyzes the category, and then analyze the relevance, differences, and problems of Western and Islamic-legacy of HRM; (3) Synthesis of the IOHRM, by integrating Western and Islamic-legacy of HRM, using the dual process of the IOK al-Attas theory in Islamic worldview approach; and (4) an Islamic HRM textbook.
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