Radha’ah in the Perspective of Tafsir Al-Misbah
Providing decent food (breastmilk) to support the growth of children is one of the obligations of their parents and it is the gift that is given to a mother by Allah (God). This research is library research (literature research), which uses the interpretation of the Tafsir Al Misbah, the literature from books, journals, dictionaries, and other papers related to this research. It has been proven that breast milk is the best food for babies because of the diverse and complete nutritional content. The main content of breastmilk is 88% of the water that removes excess solute. Breast milk also contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, hormones, and growth factors. According to Quraish Shihab, radha’ah is interpreted as breastfeeding. In this case, he interpreted radha’ah as breastfeeding although breastfeeding recommendations in surah al-Baqarah is in the form of Khabar (information/news), but it means an order which obliges all mothers to carry out breastfeeding for up to two years with the responsibility of fathers in providing the needs of the family. However, it is permissible for parents to wean their children before two years if this can be bothersome, and it is also permissible for parents to let their children breastfed by other than their biological mothers if the mother is unable to breastfeed her child by herself. However, babies that are breastfeeding from other women will form a nasab (lineage) which means the baby will be forbidden to get married to a child of the woman that breastfed the baby.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/sjhk.v4i2.6419
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