Pendidikan Seks Islami dalam Keluarga (Upaya Penanggulangan Keterlibatan Remaja dalam Free Sex)
The phenomenon of adolescent promiscuity is already in an alarming position. The behavior of teenage couples showing affection in public places is very easy to find, including on the streets, dimly lit "keude kupi" or in other entertainment venues. Such behavior when prosecution is carried out will be faced by human rights activists. As an Eastern nation known for its strong religious values, premarital sex is a disgrace that must be prevented. Initial predictions that premarital sex that occurs among adolescents cannot be separated from the influence of pornographic videos and various information about pornography which are very easily accessible from the internet, so that information about sex must be provided in a manner and guidance that is in accordance with eastern customs, built with shame and ibda ' binafsih. This study specifically explains the efforts of the family as an institution that has special authority in children's education. Meanwhile, there is very little information about sex education with actual or Islamic principles of decency and it has even become taboo to talk about in society. Observing this phenomenon where in the midst of an information battle that leads to freedom of values, parents with the support of society and the government must work together to provide understanding to children about the dangers of free sex. Provide healthy sex information to children, starting from the family to the management of healthy social media by the government as their responsibility. The solution in the form of implementing Islamic sex education in family institutions is expected to provide useful and soothing information for adolescents who are euphoric about getting information about sexual issues.
Sex education; Family; Teenager; Free Sex
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