Efektivitas Penggunaan Metode A Ba Ta Tsa dalam Pembelajaran Al-Qur’an di LTQA Ibnu Mas’ud Beurawe Banda Aceh
The learning method is a way that is taken by educators in delivering subject matter in order to achieve effective learning objectives. Among the methods used to eradicate illiteracy in the Qur'an is the A Ba Ta Tsa method at the Ibn Mas'ud Children's Tahfizh Qur'an Institute (LTQA) Beurawe Village Banda Aceh, but in practice there are still educators who have not applied the A method. Ba Ta Tsa properly and correctly. This study aims to determine the process of implementing Al-Qur'an learning using the A Ba Ta Tsa method, to determine the competence and professionalism of teachers in using the A Ba Ta Tsa method and to find solutions to the problems that occur in the process of implementing ak-Qur'an learning. based on the A ba Ta Tsa method at LTQA Ibnu Mas'ud, Beurawe Village, Banda Aceh. The method used in this research is classroom action research. The subjects in this study were educators and students. Data collection techniques in this study using observation and tests. The results of this study indicate that the process of implementing the learning of the Qur'an using the A Ba Ta Tsa method has been effective with the average achievement of each cycle is 89%, the competence and professionalism of the teacher in using the A Ba Ta Tsa method is very good and every problems always find solutions to solve them. So that the use of the A Ba Ta Tsa method in Ibn Mas'ud's LTQA has been implemented well.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/jm.v12i3.14658
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