Most university libraries do not yet have an electronic collection development policy document. Ideally, key aspects of collection development need to be included to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of procurement of electronic information resources. The aim of this study is to compare the two electronic collection development policies of two leading university libraries in Australia, namely the University of Queensland Library (PUQ) and the University of Melbourne Library (PUM) in order to identify the key elements of these collection development policies. The research results show that PUM has a more comprehensive electronic collection development policy because the document includes fundamental elements, namely: objectives, policy rationale, scope, statements of authority, responsibilities and technical criteria. In contrast, the electronic collection development policy at PUQ excludes core elements, such as: mission statement, general statement, narrative statement and policy review. It is recommended that electronic collection development policies in university libraries should include fundamental elements, namely: introduction, general statement, mission statement, general statement, narrative statement and policy review. The existence of an electronic collection development policy document is a form of the library's commitment to adapting. with the digital ecosystem.
Keywords: development policy, electronic collections, comparison, e- preferred policy, ebook, born digital, ejournal
Sebagian besar perpustakaan perguruan tinggi belum memiliki dokumen kebijakan pengembangan koleksi elektronik. Idealnya, aspek-aspek kunci dari pengembangan koleksi perlu dicantumkan guna menjamin efektivitas dan efisiensi pengadaan sumber informasi elektronik. Studi ini bertujuan adalah membandingkan dua kebijakan pengembangan koleksi elektronik dua perpustakaaan universitas terkemuka di Australia, yakni Perpustakaan Universitas Queensland (PUQ) dan Perpustakaan Universitas Melbourne (PUM) guna mengidentifikasi elemen kunci dari kebijakan pengembangan koleksi tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PUM memiliki kebijakan pengembangan koleksi elektronik yang lebih komprehensif karena dokumennya mencakup unsur-unsur fundamental, yaitu: tujuan, kebijakan dasar pemikiran, cakupan, pernyataan otoritas, tanggung jawab dan kriteria teknis. Sebaliknya, kebijakan pengembangan koleksi elektronik di PUQ mengecualikan unsur-unsur inti, seperti: pernyataan misi, pernyataan umum, pernyataan naratif dan review kebijakan. Direkomedasikan bahwa Kebijakan pengembangan koleksi elektronik pada perpustakaan perguruan tinggi seyogyanya mencakup unsur-unsur fundamental, yaitu: pendahuluan, pernyataan umum, pernyataan misi, pernyataan umum, pernyataan naratif dan review kebijakan.Keberadaan dokumen kebijakan pengembangan koleksi elektronik merupakan wujud komitmen perpustakaan perpustakaan perguruan tinggi beradaptasi dengan ekosistem digital.
Kata kunci : kebijakan pengembangan, koleksi elektronik, komparasi, e-preferred policy, ebook, born digital,ejournal
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