Development of E-LKPD Assisted by the Flip Builder Application with a Discovery Learning Approach on Business and Energy Materials

Mulki Aris, Halimatus Sakdiah, Syafrizal Idris, Fajrul Wahdi Ginting, Safriana Safriana


The learning process in general still uses books and conventional learning models that make students feel bored and bored. The objectives of the study were to: (1) determine the feasibility of E-LKPD, (2) find out the response of students to E-LKPD, (3) find out the improvement of student learning outcomes to E-LKPD based on discovery learning. The method used in the research is the research method of research and development (R & D) development with a 4-D model. The results showed that: (1) the feasibility of developing discovery learning-based E-LKPD assessed by media experts with a feasibility of 0.79 with the feasible category and material experts were in the feasibility of 0.89 with the very feasible category and teacher assessment with a feasibility of 0.94 with the very feasible category, (2) the response of students to the discovery learning-based E-LKPD was 0.99 with the very interesting category,  (3) E-LKPD based on discovery learning is stated to be able to improve student learning outcomes by obtaining an N-Gain Score of 0.78 with a high category and a percentage of 77.61 in the "Very Effective" category. It can be concluded that discovery learning-based E-LKPD can be used in the learning process.


E-LKPD; discovery learning; effort and energy

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