Human Resources Management in Qur’an’s Perspective

Farid Wajdi Ibrahim


Human resources (spirit and body, aql, heart, and soul) which are granted by Allah has a very powerful force as through it human is able to manage the existing resources of the universe. Principally, the entire creations of Allah are for the sake of humans. Therefore, the resources must be managed properly through education in accordance with the mandate given by Allah as it is stated in Sura al „Alaq: 1-5. The enrichment of human resource quality is an obligation in Islam to optimize the existing resource. Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be unto him) order humans to pursue knowledge unlimitedly to find the power of Allah. Thus, all resources are bestowed by Allah must be used solely to seek His pleasure. To reach, educational institutions, teaching-learning place, play a great role and must be well managed and planned in order to produce qualified students with good character in conformity with the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith.


human resource; management; al-Qur`an; Islam

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