Revitalization Of Aceh Customs in Formal Educational Institutions
customs. Schools as an official formal education institution, dealing with two
issues namely their feelings cannot be ignored between customs and culture is a
case that should be maintained continuously, and schools have to collide with
system reining the power of cruising and creativity of education institutions in
developing the value of custom. In addition, schools have a desire to interpret
Aceh customary by themselves. Those things are done in two issues; First, the
lack of teacher understanding customs well and perfectly. Secondly, low
supported funding supporting every work in revitalization of custom. The study
found that revitalization and strategy in developing in formal schools are
undergone by two ways; theory and practice. Theoretically, schools include
custom materials through several lessons. Then practically, schools encourage
students’ creativity in many ways, both in school activities internally and
Full Text:
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