Revitalisasi Proses Peneguhan Akidah dalam Menghadapi Cabaran Pascamodenisme
Pascamodenisme had been actively sneaking in all sectors of life
and leads to a change in setting values and lifestyle. As willingly to lerated,
if it controlled atmosphere and pulse Western life, it is also certainly
appears to be an image and the image is immediately admired and exported
to all of the world, including the Muslim world, in various means and
channels. The danger is two-dimensional generated by secularization on
the one hand, and bribes pascamodenisme value which is also the last issue
of secularism itself is spread widely through the process of globalization.
To restore this condition, the passage must necessarily be given to the
creed to play a memorable role as an identity forming and the identity in
society. In addition, the process also needs to be given in solid support
without split by major institution in society, especially in family institution,
educational institution-formal and informal –social growth, empire and the
mass media.
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