Vegetation Diversity in The Hot Spring Areas of Ie Suum and Ie Jue in Seulawah Agam Mountain, Aceh Besar District Aceh Province Indonesia
Abstract: The structure and composition of vegetation in hot spring areas of Ie Suum and Ie Jue in Seulawah Agam mountain are influenced by the temperature of hot spring zones. Given that the geology and geomorphology of the hot spring area will undoubtedly influence the structure and composition of the vegetation, it is critical to know the data that comprise the vegetation. This study aims to identify plant species, vegetation habitus, and vegetation diversity index. This research was conducted in the area of hot springs Ie Suum and Ie Jue Seulawah Agam mountain Aceh Besar district Aceh province Indonesia. The quadratic technique was employed in this study to determine the research location through purposive sampling divided into four points (stations) of observation based on wind direction. Quadrat size was determined based on plant habitus, namely 1x1 m2 (Herbsceous), 2x2 m2 (shrub) at stations dominated by Herbsceous and shrub/shrub species, 5x5 m2 (pole) and 10x10 m2 (tree). The sample plots were placed methodically, with each transect running north, south, west, and east, with the hot spring at the middle of the transect. Each observation station contained up to 5 quadrat plots. And then, plant sampling was carried out for identification. The results of the study showed that 36 plant species were discovered in the Ie Suum area, with a total of 511 plants. Most individuals are found in Herbsceous habitus plants, namely Borreria laevis (42 individuals), shrub habitus plants, specifically Chromolaena odorata (36 individuals), and tree habitus plants, specifically Phyllanthus emblica (46 individuals). While in the Ie Jue hot spring area 96 species with a total of 2918 individuals. The most species that grow in the area is the Vitex pinnata tree (14 individuals), while the most dominant herbaceous plant was Axonopus compressus (251 individuals) and the shrub habitus was dominated by Ocimum sanctum (260 individuals). The plant vegetation diversity index of the Ie Suum hot spring area is H'= 3.373. While plant vegetation in the Ie Jue hot spring area is H'= 3.651. According to Shannon-Wiener diversity index standards, the plant index of Ie Suum and Ie Jue hot spring is high, H'> 3, placing both of them in the high diversity group.
Abstrak: Struktur dan komposisi vegetasi di kawasan sumber air panas Ie Suum dan Ie Jue di Gunung Seulawah Agam dipengaruhi oleh suhu zona sumber air panas. Mengingat bahwa geologi dan geomorfologi daerah sumber air panas pasti akan mempengaruhi struktur dan komposisi vegetasi, maka sangat penting untuk mengetahui data-data yang menyusun vegetasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan, habitus vegetasi, dan indeks keanekaragaman vegetasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan sumber air panas Ie Suum dan Ie Jue Seulawah Gunung Agam Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia. Metode kuadrat digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menentukan lokasi penelitian melalui purposive sampling yang dibagi menjadi empat titik (stasiun) pengamatan berdasarkan arah mata angin. Ukuran kuadrat ditentukan berdasarkan habitus tumbuhan, yaitu 1x1 m2 (herba), 2x2 m2 (perdu) pada stasiun yang didominasi oleh jenis herba dan semak/belukar, 5x5 m2 (tiang), dan 10x10 m2 (pohon). Plot-plot sampel ditempatkan pada garis setiap transek yang membujur dari utara, selatan, barat, dan timur, dengan sumber air panas berada di tengah-tengah transek. Setiap stasiun pengamatan terdiri dari 5 plot kuadrat. Kemudian dilakukan pengambilan sampel tumbuhan untuk diidentifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 36 spesies tumbuhan ditemukan di kawasan Ie Suum, dengan total 511 tumbuhan. Individu terbanyak ditemukan pada tumbuhan habitus herba yaitu Borreria laevis (42 individu), tumbuhan habitus semak yaitu Chromolaena odorata (36 individu), dan tumbuhan habitus pohon yaitu Phyllanthus emblica (46 individu). Sedangkan di kawasan pemandian air panas Ie Jue ditemukan 96 spesies dengan total 2918 individu. Spesies yang paling banyak tumbuh di kawasan tersebut adalah pohon Vitex pinnata (14 individu), sedangkan tumbuhan herba yang paling dominan adalah Axonopus compressus (251 individu) dan habitus semak didominasi oleh Ocimum sanctum (260 individu). Indeks keanekaragaman vegetasi tumbuhan di kawasan air panas Ie Suum adalah H'= 3,373. Sedangkan vegetasi tumbuhan di kawasan sumber air panas Ie Jue adalah H'= 3,651. Berdasarkan standar indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener, indeks tumbuhan di kawasan air panas Ie Suum dan Ie Jue tergolong tinggi, yaitu H'>3, sehingga menempatkan keduanya dalam kelompok keanekaragaman tinggi.
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Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology in 2022. Published by Faculty of Science and Technology in cooperation with Center for Research and Community Service (LP2M), UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.
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