Jenis Jamur Kayu Makroskopis Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Biologi (Studi di TNGL Blangjerango Kabupaten Gayo Lues)
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui jenis-jenis jamur makroskopis yang terdapat di kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser Kecamatan Blangjerango Gayo Lues. Metode yang digunakan observasi dan jelajah yaitu melakukan pengamatan langsung ke lokasi penelitian. Luas daerah penelitian adalah 5 Ha yang dibagi menjadi 5 stasiun dan pada masing-masing stasiun dibuat 10 transek sehingga jumlah transek 50 dengan panjang 100 m, lebar kiri dan kanan 20 m. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 28 spesies jamur terdiri dari 18 genus yaitu Ganoderma, Grifola, Hexagonia, Hirchioporus, Pycnoporus, Tremella, Auricularia, Collybia, Coriolus, Hypholoma, Pleurotus, Phylloporus, Marasmius , Clavaria, Clitocybe, Crepidotus, Rigidoporus, Tremidis, Coriolus, Lactarius, Mycena, Clitocybe, Clitocybula, Pluteus, Pleurotus. Anggota genus yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah genus ganoderma 3 spesies. Dari hasil tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa jamur makroskopis tersebut layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran biologi di sekolah.
Kata Kunci: Identifikasi, Jamur Makroskopis dan Media Pembelajaran biologi.
This research was conducted to investigate the species of wood macroscopic fungi in National Park of Gunung Leuser, Blangjerango Gayo Lues. The methods used were direct observation and survey. The area of research was 5 Ha, divided into 5 stations with 10 transect stations for each. So, the number of transects were 50 transect stations with the length of 100 m, the width of the left and right was 20 m. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. The result showed that there were 28 species from 18 genera, namely Ganoderma, Grifola, Hexagonia, Hirchioporus, Pycnoporus, Tremella, Auricularia, Collybia, Coriolus, Hypholoma, Pleurotus, Phylloporus, Marasmius, Clavaria, Clitocybe, Crepidotus, Rigidoporus, Tremidis, Coriolus, Lactarius, Mycena, Clitocybe, Clitocybula, Pluteus, Pleurotus. The most common genera found in the location was 3 species from Ganoderma. It can be concluded that the wood macroscopic fungi in National Park of Gunung Leuser, Blangjerango Gayo Lues is suitable to be used for media in learning biology at school.
Keywords: Macroscopic Fungi, Biology Learning and Media
Kata Kunci: Identifikasi, Jamur Makroskopis dan Media Pembelajaran biologi.
This research was conducted to investigate the species of wood macroscopic fungi in National Park of Gunung Leuser, Blangjerango Gayo Lues. The methods used were direct observation and survey. The area of research was 5 Ha, divided into 5 stations with 10 transect stations for each. So, the number of transects were 50 transect stations with the length of 100 m, the width of the left and right was 20 m. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. The result showed that there were 28 species from 18 genera, namely Ganoderma, Grifola, Hexagonia, Hirchioporus, Pycnoporus, Tremella, Auricularia, Collybia, Coriolus, Hypholoma, Pleurotus, Phylloporus, Marasmius, Clavaria, Clitocybe, Crepidotus, Rigidoporus, Tremidis, Coriolus, Lactarius, Mycena, Clitocybe, Clitocybula, Pluteus, Pleurotus. The most common genera found in the location was 3 species from Ganoderma. It can be concluded that the wood macroscopic fungi in National Park of Gunung Leuser, Blangjerango Gayo Lues is suitable to be used for media in learning biology at school.
Keywords: Macroscopic Fungi, Biology Learning and Media
Macroscopic Fungi; Biology Learning and Media
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