Nurlaila Nurlaila


This article was aimed at investigating kinds of translation procedures applied by the students in translating Indonesian education and educational research terms into English. Most of the students had applied specific translation procedures in their translation, and the procedures they used indicated the quality of translation result. This study belongs to qualitative approach using case study as research type. The subject of the research was the fourth semester students who were taken Translation II subject. The researcher was the key instrument; she was the one who should know well on and had broad knowledge on what she investigated. There was only one procedure of collecting data used namely documentation; the result of students translation that was taken from the lecturer of translation class. In analyzing data, the researcher used data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing as proposed by Miles and Huberman. In data reduction, the researcher reduces some information that was not needed, then display them in narrative form and then take conclusion. The result of research shown that there were eight translation procedures applied by the students, they were established equivalent, borrowing, transposition, literal translation, calque, reduction, transposition + reduction, and calque + borrowing.


translation procedures; educational research terms; source text; target text

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