Abdul Wahid


This paper is motivated by the development of the interpretation of the Koran in Indonesia, in particular the study of works of Tafsir Al-Azhar Hamka, who received great attention from various researchers. In addition, the development of thought in the field of interpretation is one thing that is very important, because the Qur'an is the source of the research that was never completed. Core issues discussed in this thesis is twofold: How to influence social conditions in the interpretation of the Koran that do Hamka in his commentary ?, and how to influence the political aspects of the Qur'anic exegesis by Hamka? To find answers to these problems above, then do literature study (library research), with review of books relating to the issues discussed. From a review of this literature, acquired the desired data and then analyzed in depth by using descriptive analysis method, which is to analyze and describe the findings obtained. From the results of the various sources related to the issues of this thesis, it was found that the first Hamka in interpreting paragraph 59 letter al-Nisa 'influenced by the social situation that is happening. This can be seen in the content of the interpretation of these verses associated with the destruction of the Islamic society under Islamic rule of the Ottoman Empire. Whereas if it is linked to social conditions locally, it can be concluded that the interpretation of verse 59 of Surat al-Nisa 'is Hamka not affected by social situations that are local (Indonesian context). Both the interpretation of paragraph 58 letter al-Nisa ', Hamka was not influenced by the political situation is growing. This can be seen in the content of the interpretation of the verse, where Hamka understanding of the verse does not connect with the political situation in Indonesia and the global Islamic politics, when books authored on this interpretation. Furthermore, it can be explained that Hamka was a prominent flexible, so he tried to adapt to current conditions. In conclusion interpretation, Hamka said that all leaders must maintain trust and provide a mandate to the person who has the right, not to the family, according to the author, not the things that belong to the influence of the political situation that was developing, the interpretation in the interpretation of it.


tafsir al-azhar;social; politik

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