An Implementation of the Joint Inheritance Division of Ethnic Groups in Lampung, Indonesia

Abdul Qodir Zaelani, Faisal Faisal, Mokhamad Samson Fajar, Abdul Hanif


Lampung is a distinct, diverse, and multi-ethnic province. Lampung's multi-ethnicity is worth investigating regarding inheritance distribution, specifically the inheritance of joint property. This study examines the implementation of ethnic group inheritance in Lampung and how it contributes to the paradigm shift of joint property. This investigation is field research in which data is gathered from informants and analyzed using a cultural approach. According to the analysis, implementing the division of joint property inheritance of ethnic groups in Lampung could be classified into multiple categories. First, the majority of joint inheritance property is distributed straight to offspring (both male and female. Second, only daughters are given the joint property inheritance. Third, only the son receives joint property inheritance. Fourth, if one of the parents passes away, some joint property inheritance is granted to the mother and father. Because the Lampung community is nearly entirely unfamiliar with joint property (gono gini), the joint property inheritance is promptly distributed into the four categories listed above. Although the cultural practice considerably influences the distribution of inheritance in connection to the family system and social protection factors, it has begun to shift with less to no influence by religious and social factors.


Joint property; Inheritance; Ethnicity

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List of Interview

Adi Rahmadi, aresident of Tega Lega Subvillage Karang.

Aldi Kurniawan, a resident of Ulu Semong, Tanggamus.

Ali, General Secretary of the Waykanan Indonesian Ulema Council.

Ali Nurdin Lubis, Chairman of Persadaaan Padang Lawas Lampung Province.

Anyar Village, Jati Agung Subdistrict, South Lampung Regency.

Al Haidir, a resident of Waj Jaha, Pugung, Tanggamus.

Afriana Susnan, a resident of Waykanan.

Amartia Nuraini, a resident of Sumberrejo, Tanggamus.

Andi Sanjaya, General Secretary of the Indonesian Ulema Council of East Lampung Regency.

Andrian, Warga Gunung Sugih, Central Lampung.

Aprilia Liyana, a resident of West Lampung.

Aulia Gustina, a resident of Kurungan Nyawa, Umbul Pelem Subvillage, Lampung.

Berli, a resident of Mulang Maya, Ngaras, Pesisir Barat.

Bustomi, The Chief of Pasundan Association of Lampung Province.

Dahla, a resident of East Lampung.

Damrah Khair, The Chief of Bengkulu Community Association of Lampung Province.

Damsid, a resident of Margodadi, Jati Agung sub-district, South Lampung.

Dena Sari, a resident of Tenumbang, Pesisir Barat.

Desrianto, a resident of Pekon Pajar Bulan, Kuri, Way Krui, Pesisir Barat.

Hajuli, Secretary of the Indonesian Ulema Council of Tanggamus Regency.

Gufron, Religious Figure of West Lampung Community.

Heki Winarta, a resident of West Lampung.

Isaura Astiningsih, a resident of Sukabanjar Village, Sidumulyo, South Lampung.

Jumilia, a resident of Pakuan Ratu, Waykanan.

Khottob, Secretary of the Indonesian Ulema Council of Pesisir Barat Regency.

Kiki Ayu, resident of Purworejo, Pasir Sakti, East Lampung.

Kurnia, a resident of Talangpadang, Tanggamus.

Lihin, resident of Pesawaran.

M. Miftahul Huda, Sadar Sriwijaya, Bandar Sribhawono, Lampung Timur.

Mawardi Hariyana, Chairman of the Lampung Customary Council, and Organizer of Lampung Sai.

Mila Riyanti, a resident of Pekon Gedung, Cukuh Balak, Tanggamus.

Miftahus Surur, General Secretary of the Indonesian Ulema Council of West Lampung Regency.

Muhammad Iqbal, The Chairman of the Lampung Province Aceh Citizens Association.

Ngafwan Khoiri, Javanese, resident of Taman Sari, Ketapang Subdistrict, South Lampung Regency.

Nofri, a resident of West Pesisir.

Nurul Hidayati, warga Pantai Laut, pasar Madang, Tanggamus.

Resti Mestika Sari, a resident of Trisnomaju, Negerikaton, Pesawaran.

Richard Arman, a resident of Krui, Pesisir Barat.

Rifki Ilyas, a resident of Bandar Pugung, Lemong, Pesisir Barat, Lampung.

Rini Novita Sari, a resident of Suk Makmur Marang Village, Pesisir Selatan, Pesisir Barat.

Riris Ristinawati, a resident of Waykanan.

Rizki Idsam Matura, a resident of Jalan Simpang, Menggala, Kota Agung Timur, Tanggamus.

Roni Azi Syaputra, a resident of Jl Pesisir Dusun Kenali, Sukaraja Village, Rajabasa District, South Lampung Regency

Sasqia Fitri Mulyani, a resident Pekon Muta Alam, Wai Tenong, Lampung Barat.

Saypudin, a resident of Bangun Negara, Pesisir Selatan, Pesisir Barat.

Sapitri Veronica, a resident of Padang Cahaya, balik Bukit,West Lampung.

Setio, a resident of Sripendowo, Sribhawono, Lampung Timur.

Sidi Ritaudin, Semendo Figure.

Sri Haryati, a resident of Cimarias Village, Bangunrejo Subdistrict, Central Lampung Regency.

Suparman, a resident of Napal Raya, Bulok, Tanggamus.

Wiwik, a resident of 13 Village, Polos, Purwodari, Trimurjo, central Lampung.

Zainal Iskandar, Advisor of the West Sumatra Family of Lampung Province.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Abdul Qodir Zaelani, Faisal Faisal, Mokhammad Samson Fajar, Abdul Hanif

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Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam
P-ISSN 2549-3132
E-ISSN 2549-3167