Talking about the relationship between the media and the political sphere is a dilemmatic relationship. This is due to the attitude of media reporting which is not completely neutral from political intervention or capital patronage. Of course, this is something paradoxical considering that the media is the fourth pillar of democracy after the trias politica. The media should act as a watchdog in power so that checks and balances are created in the country and society. The media's observation is related to its central function as social correlations which lead the public to translate the various realities of life-span and national into the consumption of good print and electronic information. So, the media here has power over public knowledge through text and image framing so that it becomes the main public reference in shaping their views on the way government works. Information is the key word that links media relations with politics through the formation of public opinion on the news. This study aims to explain and analyze the tendency of mass media coverage in the context of the 2024 Presidential Election. The research method used is Robert N. Entman's framing analysis. The Research has shown that with mass media relations in politics by looking at media neutrality mass can at least be detected through; Mass media in determining news sources; Media using column and page limitations, mass media will observe the urgency of someone or a candidate couple in the election; There's room and place settings that are fairly wide against the activities of someone or a candidate couple, like the announcement on the first page of a newspaper.
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