Dakwah Through Internet: Challenges and Opportunities for Islamic Preachers In Indonesia
publications, including books and journal articles from several databases. It found that the internet can be utilized as contemporary media for dakwah endeavor as it has many advantages in terms of efficiency, accessibility, scoping, and openness. Some recent global issues including Islamophobia, extremist activities including Islam-related terrorism, and gender equity are seen as challenges to the contemporary Islam. On one hand, these concerns may challenge the use of the internet for dakwah practice, but on the other hand, such issues has opened opportunities for da’i to remedy the situation through valid views described in many forms of dakwah in the internet, educating mad’u for better understanding of Islam. It is further recommended that da’i in Indonesia can consider the internet as media for da’wah. Further research is essential whether to explore the da’i’ interests and acceptance in the use of the internet for dakwah as well as the social impacts of such approach.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/jar.v3i1.7488
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