Freeport education diplomacy with AMINEF in promoting gender equality specifically for Papuan women
Freeport Indonesia's mission is to be committed to being creative in processing the transformation of natural resources to provide prosperity and contribute to aspects of sustainable development through various mining practices by prioritizing the welfare and peace of employees and communities, human resource development, social and environmental responsibility, as well as safety and welfare in the operating area. The paper aims at identifying the Education Diplomacy of PT. Freeport Indonesia with AMINEF in improving gender equality in Papua and to analyze the barriers faced by women especially Papuan Women in taking part of the AMINEF scholarship specifically the Community College Initiative Program. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, by selecting interview techniques and literature study in data collection, as well as using the theory of Education Diplomacy, Multinational Corporation, and Gender Equality as theoretical framework on the whole process of implementing the AMINEF program in facing obstacles in achieving gender equality in Papua. The result of the research reveals that there has been no gender equality policy among three actors: the government, Freeport, and AMINEF which leads to low capability of developing Papuan people. Freeport itself merely concentrates on its production without paying attention on gender equality.
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