Aplikasi Program HEC-RAS 5.0.3 Pada Studi Penanganan Banjir
Sungai Krueng Tukah memiliki DAS 59,51 Km2 dan panjang 25 Km serta bermuara di Selat Malaka. Sungai Krueng Tukah mengalami perubahan kondisi sungai, tataguna lahan dan pertumbuhan penduduk sehingga sungai tidak lagi berfungsi secara optimal. Banjir pada Sungai Krueng Tukah menimbulkan kerusakan bangunan, lahan pertanian, dan lingkungan hidup. Hal ini terjadi di Kabupaten Pidie, khususnya di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Krueng Tukah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan volume tampang sungai Krueng Tukah dalam menampung debit periode ulang Q2, Q5, Q10, Q25 sampai Q50 tahun dengan menggunakan Program HEC-RAS 5.0.3 dan memberikan solusi persoalan banjir yang ada di sepanjang sungai. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian adalah Sungai Krueng Tukah, Kota Sigli, Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh Data primer diperoleh dengan melakukan survei topografi dan pengamatan langsung kondisi sungai dan wawancara. Data sekunder berupa data curah hujan dari stasiun Keumala, Kota Bakti dan Padang Tiji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Curah hujan R2 sebesar 94,85 mm, R5=125,56 mm, R10= 48.65 mm, R25=181,21 mm dan R50=211,82 mm. Debit banjir diperoleh sebesar Q2=59,28 m3/det, Q5=96,05 m3/det, Q10=123,71 m3/det, Q25=155,52 m3/det dan Q50=201,47 m3/det. Dari hasil perhitungan terlihat Sungai Krueng Tukah tidak mampu menampung banjir lebih dari Q25 tahun. Penanganan normalisasi sungai dan kolam retensi adalah upaya penanganan banjir sungai Krueng Tukah yang harus dilakukan.
Krueng Tukah River with a catchment area 59.51 Km2 and length is 25 km and downstream into the Malacca Strait. The Krueng Tukah River experienced changes in river conditions, land use, and population growth so that the river no longer functioned optimally. Floods on the Krueng Tukah River caused damage to buildings, agricultural land, and the environment. This happened in Pidie District, especially in the Krueng Tukah catchment area. This study aims to analyze the bankfull capacity of the Krueng Tukah river to accommodate return period Q2, Q5, Q10, Q25 to Q50 years with the HEC-RAS 5.0.3 Program and provide solutions to flood problems the river. The method used is a case study. The research locations were the Krueng Tukah River, Sigli City, Pidie District, Aceh. Primary data was obtained by topographic surveys and field observation of river conditions and interviews. Secondary data in the form of rainfall data from Keumala Station, Bakti City, and Padang Tiji. The results showed that R2 rainfall was 94.85 mm, R5 = 125.56 mm, R10 = 48.65 mm, R25 = 181.21 mm and R50 = 211.82 mm. Flow discharge was obtained at Q2 = 59.28 m3 / sec, Q5 = 96.05 m3 / sec, Q10 = 123.71 m3 / sec, Q25 = 155.52 m3 / sec and Q50 = 201.47 m3 / sec. The calculation results, it was that the Krueng Tukah River was unable to accommodate floods for more than Q25 years. Handling the normalization of rivers and retention ponds is an effort to handle the floods of the Krueng Tukah river that must be done.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/ekw.v4i2.3509
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Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology in 2022. Published by Faculty of Science and Technology in cooperation with Center for Research and Community Service (LP2M), UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.
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