Misbahul Jannah


Learning science should be stressed to the three components, namely products, science process skills, and scientific attitudes. Therefore, elementary pre-service teachers are required to know the three components in learning science and also be able to teach and evaluate. As an integral part of the learning process, the evaluation becomes part of the competencies required for elementary pre-service teachers. This study aims at measuring the ability of elementary pre-service teachers in the evaluation of learning science which includes three aspects, namely the evaluation of science concept mastery (KASIPA), ability in preparing the evaluation of the science concept (MASKIPA) and ability in preparing the evaluation of science process skills (MASKPS). Subjects in this study were 30 elementary pre-service teachers at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN Ar-Raniry who take learning evaluation classes in the second semester 2015/2016. This research used quantitative descriptive and instrument used was test and the data were analyzed by using percentage formula. The results showed that the ability of elementary pre-service teachers in mastery KASIPA, ability MASKIPA dan MASKPS were still in low and very low level. This indicates that the ability of elementary pre-service teachers in the evaluation of learning science is not appropriate as determined by the Teacher Competency Standards and Assessment Standards of Education.


elementary; pre-service teachers; evaluation; learning science

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