Kisah Sulaiman A.S Dalam Al-Qur'an
Solomon A.s was a prophet and apostle who was sent to his people with revelations to him like the other apostles. However, he was a king who had a large kingdom, so that many kings submitted to him by paying jizyah to him. Solomon was inspired by Allah Most High's knowledge, ingenuity and good political knowledge. At the beginning of his reign he had built Baitul Maqdis and after that he built a fortress in the city of Yurussalem. In carrying out his reign, Solomon A.s had an army of humans, jinn and animals. During preaching to spread the religion of God Almighty, it is supported by miracles like the other messengers of Allah. He ran his kingdom for forty years. Then at the age of fifty-two he died in a state of worship to Allah SWT in a house of worship. No one knows that Sulaiman A.s has died except after termites eat the stick that he held in his hand. After that the jinn and humans only found out that he had died.
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Abdurrahman Habannakah Al Madani, Al A’qidah al Islamiyah Wa Ususuha,(Damascus: Dar al Qalam,1988)
Abi Suud bin Huhammad al Hammadi, Tafsir Abi Suud Jld 4, ( Cairo: Darul Mushhaf, t.t.)
Al-Qur’andan Terjemahannya,Mujamma’ al Malik Fahd li Thiba’at Al Mushhaf al Syarif, (Madinah Al muwwarah: 1418 H)
Ali al Shabuni, Al Nubuwwatu Wal Ambiya’ ( Damascus : Darul Qalam ,1989)
Jalaluddin Muahammad bin Ahmad Al Mahalli dan Jalaluddin Abdurrahman bin Abi Bakar Al Sayuthi,Tafir Al-Qur’anal ‘adlim (Beirut: Darul Fikri, 1981)
Muhammad Ali Al Shabuni, Shafwatu al Tafasir fi Al Qur’anu al Karim, (Cairo:Dar Al Shabuni,1997)
Muhammad Fuad Abdul Baqi, Al Mu’jam Al Mufahris Li Alfadhi Qur’an, (Beirut:Darul Ma’rifah,t.t).
Sayyid Quthub, Tafsir Fi Dhilal Qur’an, Jld 5.(Beirut: Dar Al Syruruq,1982).
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