NUZUM AL-DURAR FI TANASUB AL-AYATI WA AL-SHUAR (Tinjauan Metode dan Pendekatan Tafsir)

Rasyad Rasyad


Tafsir al-Qur'an has had a series of its own history by involving several important figures in it. The commentators have played an active role in contributing their thoughts and ideas in exploring and revealing the treasures of knowledge contained in the Qur'an. That is why interpretation continues to grow rapidly from time to time, and from generation to generation, using a variety of methods and approaches. Al-Biqa'y is one of the commentators, and his commentary is "Nuzum Al-Durar Fi Tanasub Al-Ayati Wa Al-Shuar". In this interpretation he uses the Munasabah theory. The words used by al-Biqa'i to link between one word with the word or between one verse with verse or between one letter with a letter called munasabah is (ولــمَّا ، ومِنْ هذا ، ومِنْ ثَـمَّ ، وثُـــمَّ)


Al-Qur’an, Tafsir, munasabat

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‘Adil Nuwaihad, Mu'jam al-Mufassirin Min Shadri al-lslam Hatta al-'Asri a1-Hadir, Jilid 1, Muassasah Nuwaihid al-Tsqafaiah li al-Ta'lif wa al-Tarjamah wa al-Nasyr, Cet ke I, 1983.

Abu al-Fu'ad Syhabuddfn al-Saiyid Mahtnud al-Alusy, Ruh al-Ma'any fy Tafsir at-Our’an al-‘Azhim wa Sab'i al-Matsaniy, Dar al-Turats al-'Araby, Bairut.

Abu 'Amrin al-Dany, ul-Muqni’ fi ma'rifati marsumi Mashhaf ahli al-Amshar, Dar al-Fikri, Cet. ke 11, Bairut.

Ahmad Muhammad Abu Zithar, Lata'f al-Bayan fi Rasm Rasm AI-Qur'an, Syarh Maurid al- Zhamm, Juz I, Cet ke U, Muhammad Ali Sabyh, Mesir 1970.

Al-Biqa’i, Nuzum Al-Durar Fi Tanasub Al-Ayati Wa Al-Shuar, juz 8.

Al-Qur’anul, Departemen Agama R.1, Jakarta, th 1992/1993

Muhammad Ali Iyazy, al-Mufassirun Hayatuhum wa Manhajuhum, Bairut, t.t.

Syihabuddin Sayyid Mahmud al-Alusy, Ruh al-Ma'any, Ihya' al-Turats al-' Araby, Bairut. Juz XV.


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