Akses Perempuan terhadap Ruang Publik (Studi Kasus Coffee Shop di Banda Aceh)
The cultural shift that occurred among the people of Banda Aceh which used to be called a coffee shop (keude kuphi) where the majority of people inside were men, has now changed to a coffee shop where more female visitors spend their time gathering in the coffee shop. This research examines women's access to coffee shops in Banda Aceh, the concept of women-friendly coffee shops, and the public's perception of the presence of women in coffee shops. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the types of instruments used are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research state that women's access to coffee shops in Banda Aceh has been accepted, however their presence is still accompanied by conditions related to visiting times not until late at night unless they are present with their husband or family and the clothes they wear must comply with Sharia. Islam does not reveal the nakedness. The coffee shop concept is friendly to women which can be used for work, reading and productivity like a place that has a modern design. Coffee shops are a favorite place for women in big cities. The perception of the people in Banda Aceh regarding the presence of women in coffee shops and coffee shops has 2 different views, some say it is good and some say it is not good.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/adabiya.v26i2.25522
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