Farmer Empowerment Strategy at Bank Aceh Syariah Based on Analytical Network Process

Haris Al Amin


Abstract-Farmer Empowerment Strategy at Bank Aceh Syariah Based on
Analytical Network Process. The aim of this research is to improve the welfare of
farmers in the Special Region of Aceh province through a partnership-based
empowerment model which was studied through the Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS)
study. In general, there are two main problems in empowering farmers at Bank Aceh
Syariah. The first is internal factors, which include limited resources, quality and
innovation. This internal problem is divided into two elements, namely: Limited
resources, including: Limited Knowledge and Skills, Limited Access to Capital and
Technology. Both quality and innovation, include Low Quality Agricultural results,
lack of Innovation in Agricultural Practices, Risk management. The second factor
is external factors, which also consist of two elements, namely environmental
aspects, including the impact of climate change and the threat of natural disasters,
market price fluctuations. Both regulations and markets, including unstable
agricultural policies, limited access to markets and distribution, obstacles in access
to sharia financial services. This research is qualitative research using the Analytic
Network Process (ANP) method. ANP is a mathematical theory that provides a
framework for decision makers to evaluate interrelated factors and consider
feedback systematically. This research uses Super Decisions Software Version 3.10
as a tool. The resource persons in this research consisted of academic experts,
authorities (regional government and OJK), farming communities, policy makers
at Bank Aceh (directors), product knowledge division, marketing division, and
farmer customers. The results of this research are strategies that become an
empowerment model to improve the welfare of farmers in Aceh.


Keywords:Empowerment, Partnership, Farmers, Bank Aceh Syariah


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