Peran Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama (MPU) Aceh Dalam Menerbitkan Qanun Jinayat Dalam Sistem Hukum Tata Negara
The Aceh Ulama Consultative Council (MPU) is a forum and organization where Muslim clerics and scholars in Aceh gather who are independent and have an equal position with the National Legislative Body in formulating their fatwas in the form of Qanun jinayat. The existence of Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning the law of jinayat has a positive impact on the development of the implementation of Islamic sharia in a kaffah manner in Aceh, because of the application and implementation of laws taken directly from the Koran. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the Ulama Consultative Council in issuing laws for someone who violates the rules of jinayat law, starting from making laws, enacting and implementing jinayat laws. This research is a library research by taking material from books. And besides that, this research also uses a statute approach. The Ulema Consultative Assembly, especially in Aceh, is a place for legal interpretation, both for the community and for the government. With the MPU either in the province or in the district as a government assistant in setting legal policies and giving consideration to government policies. The MPU plays an active role in the government, either directly or indirectly, providing input, consideration and supervision to the government.
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